Any given Sunday

It’s that time of year again, when you leave the house to pick up a dozen eggs and come home with a nearly functional World War II-era typewriter. That’s right, tag sale season is upon us. In the spirit of this summer tradition, Dirt chose a random weekend day to go bargain seeking. We only came across one sale, but it happened to be the funkier country version of a tag sale: the barn sale.
Bruce Wieber, of Warwick, stopped unloading his barn long enough to tell Dirt he doesn’t really want to be selling the antique pieces his son collects, with the intention, eventually, of refinishing them. But things tend to pile up, space in the barn gets tight, and eventually the bigger pieces have got to go. Mostly, though, it’s the smaller, cheaper stuff shoppers are interested in. But whether it’s dining room chairs or a mason jar, people always try to haggle, which he finds irritating but we find to be half the fun. Anything he doesn’t sell Wieber will consign so the cycle of collecting and unloading can continue.