How Long

The long year in pause in desperation, turned life sideways.
All that we know has been turned askew. All that we believed has been magnified for inspection, and introspection.
What do we know?
All that was simple and routine, becomes complicated. All that was complicated is rolled out like a map, unfurled and dissected.
All we thought important are mere whispers of importance, and those things we took for granted morphed into value and prayer.
I take longer walks, and view the birds’ aerobic dance in the lattice of the trees. I sit by the creek on bench for reprieve. I gather a heartfelt wish on this breathy day, to sink my hands in cold water. In a world of contagion, the water’s purity is absolution.
The wind picks up, the trees sway like wheat in the field. The red fox pauses, and we stare one to the other. Spirit animal or not, keep going, although you are beautiful. He turns his head south, and slips away.
The world is in flux, in violence, and salvation. I lean back, and feel the brush strokes of the wind stroke my face. I close my eyes, and see those who were lost along the way. Grateful for the loves remaining to embrace. Breathe deep. Inhale, and exhale. I rise to my feet.
Notwithstanding the rhythm of life surrounding me, the stillness in my heart engulfs.
“How long?” I ask the clouds, and wistfully watch the cows kneel serene in prayer in the meadow.
Barbara Horvath
Warwick, NY