Over Pine Island
| 24 Dec 2014 | 01:27

The monochrome of snow covered fields
Narrows to the horizon and yields
To the setting sun invading the sky
Ineffable light so golden it tries
To scoop all the gold from Earth,
But it is transmogrified onion dirt.
And quickly sun-glow applies
Masterful brush strokes across the sky.
A Celestine, Fra Angelica blue,
An absolutely incredible hue
Is dispersed in one great leap
As day retires into the golden sheet.
Over these prosaic onion fields,
The sun sets a phalanx of golden shields.
A star’s celestial labor is not lost,
Nor does a great splendor surmise the cost.
Above cold acres of land
A finale, sky pink takes final command.
Francine DeFere Tyler, Warwick