Resilience starts at home
The little nonprofit that could

Dear Editor,
Grow Local Greenwood Lake is a fledgling nonprofit committed to developing a regenerative, resilient local food-based economy in the lower Hudson Valley. Our mission is to build or strengthen community networks focused on regenerative agriculture, gardening, education and food sovereignty. We’re very excited about the new season and we’re looking for people to join us!
Our story began in February 2019 when a group of like-minded folks in Greenwood Lake, NY met to discuss strengthening our resilience and the importance of local food. After a year of efforts to develop an organization and mission, we established Grow Local Greenwood as a nonprofit.
In our meetings, members, guest speakers and collaborators shared their knowledge and skills in agriculture, seed saving and community building. Using education, food sovereignty and community as guiding principles, this group became a working force to help residents start their own home gardens.
Our big break came in 2021, when Mayor Jesse Dwyer authorized the lease of a local plot on Poplar Street to build a community garden for Grow Local Greenwood Lake. The “Common Ground Garden” opened its doors in Spring 2021; it is an open community space for members to collectively work and share the harvest. We donate 10% of the harvest to the local food pantry or the senior center.
In addition to the garden, GLGWL hosts and promotes workshops in our local community. Our bi-weekly “Zoom Garden Plots” serve as a platform for us to discuss, share and introduce concepts related to gardening, composting, water catching and food preservation. Everyone is welcome to join our Zoom Garden Plot meetings.
Want to be a garden member? All it takes it an application and $35 fee for the year.
Our plans for the future include developing a community composting initiative, introducing pollinator pathways around the community, working with a local restaurant to use locally grown produce, and hosting an “Eat Local” week in the Village.
It takes a village!
Chad Pilieri
Founder, Grow Local Greenwood Lake
To learn more or join Grow Local Greenwood Lake, email or fb: Grow Local Greenwood Lake.