A drawing of Princess Lionheart, a character who has much in common with Martin's wife, when she was a littl girl. ( Melissa Shaw-Smith) The fresh princess In the spare room of his house in Warwick, Martin Dominguez Ball switches on a miniature desk lamp. His hands dwarf the doll-sized... Home 18 Sep 2019 | 02:03
Vela-Hayes made four solar ovens out of pizza boxes and tin foil. She'll use these with her cooking class to make grilled cheeses -- she hopes. ( Becca Tucker) Greening your workplace As an enthusiastic member of her high school environmental science club, Teresa Vela-Hayes piled her family’s newspapers... Habitat 26 Aug 2019 | 01:47
Anna Lopez with her sons, 3 and 1. ( Becca Tucker) The crunchy Dr. Spock Anna Lopez is wearing her 18-month-old son in a linen sling, walking next to her three-year-old, carrying a backpack and... Home 26 Aug 2019 | 01:17