Missing May

The sun is slowly rising
My coffee is very warm
Millions of sparkling droplets
From last night’s passing storm
There’s chickadees at the feeder
Bluejays squawk in the trees
The flowers are just a buzzing
Covered in hardworking bees
The chipmunk is racing her shadow
But stops to give me a glare
She flicks her tail and looks away
As if I wasn’t standing there
I sit at the picnic table
To watch as the morning unfolds
I remember you sitting here next to me
An injured swallow your hands gently hold
Your eyes were smiling so brightly
When that tiny bird flew away
It filled my world with sunshine
That remains to this very day
I drink the last of my coffee
Rub last night from my eyes
I’m all alone in memory
The sadness of our goodbyes
The sun is softly warming
In sky of the lightest blue
I’ve got to shake this emptiness
As there’s oh so much to do
I rise up from the table
Breathe deeply and let loose a sigh
I realize you’ll always be with me
Anytime a small bird might fly by
- For my granddaughter
By Jim Oliver
East Branch, NY