Aging, unexaggerated

To the editor,
Thank you for your thoughtful piece, The Back Seat manifesto, which appeared in the spring edition of Dirt. It is refreshing to read perspectives from folks close to my age, without the usual complaints and exaggerations typically encountered on social media platforms.
I find it’s more like being in a different “seat” at 73. There is satisfaction in creating my own plan of the day with fewer external demands. I continue to teach several college courses online through the SUNY learning network and manage the Devitt Center Educational Greenhouse at Orange County Community College part time. Aging has heightened my awareness of a few physical limitations and the need to be more conscious of personal safety. Getting creative, in the garden, the kitchen, or with a camera, is deeply rewarding. Above all, I value greater empathy, resilience, and being closer to nature. It pleases me to offer others assistance, or just a smile.
Again, thanks.
Jim Scharfenberger, Warwick NY
-Retired attorney, emeritus master gardener volunteer